Friday, July 11, 2008

July 11, 2008

I will gone for the next 2 days so here is my image for the next few days.
I went out for a little "photo walk" yesterday but have not uploaded the images yet. I will have a ton of new images after the weekend...

This was shot using one exposure. It uses a technique called "Painting with Flash"

1 comment:

jmetni01 said...

that effect is amazing... it adds a whole new perspective on the photo... like if it was just b&w or even just color, it's unified and could mean anything, but a focus point is so much more refined and adds impact to what you're trying to show or emphasize... and i like it because people should look more closely at the little things.. thats a little off topic but it could be an underlying message... or i'm just rambling and make it seem like so much more than i see it

either way go you :)