Thursday, August 21, 2008

Busy Busy Busy


STAMP season is in crunch time, what with Orientation coming up next week and all. Which means that I am super busy. I have the weekend off but I have 2 weddings to shoot this weekend. I will post some stuff on Friday most likely but until then.....


jmetni01 said...

i feel your pain! or business at least...
Thanks for all your suggestions! one you said, the liquify technique, i think i used that one. but i will definitely try the other ones; the gaussian i've played with before so i think it would be a good idea!
i love this stuff, keep the suggestions coming don't even worry =]
i'm cyked for frosh week, can't wait :) Team Mario rules
i decided i'm going to save for a car instead of moving out unfortuantely.. i would have loved to but my mom willingly suggested the car idea and right now i'll take the cheapest route :|
but anyways crunch time is on! Good luck :)

jmetni01 said...

p.s when i said business in that first line i meant "busy-ness"

so much for my proof-reading skills :(